Ramblings of the Meaning Behind the Name, Lichen + Stone

Lichen Ottawa Landscape Design

There is a lot about
Lichens that I find inspiring. 

Biologically, they are a unique species that live in symbiosis with fungi; creating a mutually beneficial relationship. 

Geologically, they can create a protective layer over stone, sheltering it from wind, water and rain degradation; As well as regulating humidity and internal temperatures, prolonging the longevity of the stone. Yes, some Lichen can produce an acid that eats away at the stone, ultimately causing its quickening demise…but I am not focusing on those Lichens right now :) 

Sociologically, the mutually beneficial relationship Lichen has with fungi and its protective nature with stone, speaks to my wish for a more collaborative industry that supports all who are a part of it. I am working towards advocating for a change in thinking, moving past our divisive culture of consumerism and moving towards a more cooperative future where we look out for everyone's well being, including our planet. 

Psychologically, specific to myself, Lichen growing on stone brings me to a place of pause and reflection within myself. It can be in the most unlikely places, in a bustling urban setting, but it still momentarily transports me to a quiet place in my mind.

Calling my company Lichen + Stone is in harmony with my intention to create that quiet place in my clients minds with each of my designs. We have created a world of stimulus and abundance that can be overwhelming and overbearing. I want to be able to slow the tempo for my clients while they are in their home, or lounging in their gardens and give them the much needed sanctuary to refuel and rest their mind before another busy day in our fast paced society.